The SoutHeritage Club welcomes new members that share its vision and goals, Companies and single experts that want to take the opportunities offered by the challenge of contemporary art with passion, skills and new vision. Joining the Foundation means to be part of a network that shares knowledge and competences with the common aim of contributing to make the contemporary culture development in the 21° century. Joining us is easy and quick, for more information please contact us:

Director’s Crew
The circle consists of distinguished individuals chosen by the Director, who in an entirely free fashion, contribute financially or in the form of work to supporting and assisting the foundation in its activities.

Corporate Club
A limited number of companies that support the Foundation’s cultural activities on a regular, long-term basis. The members pay an annual contribution to support the Foundation’s activities. In turn they receive a range of benefits such as dedicated programmes for company managers and employees, the printing of the firm’s name and/or logo on the Foundation’s information material.

Fondazione SoutHeritage is represented in and / or work with the followion institutions:

MiBAC – Dir. Gen. per il paesaggio, belle arti, architettura arte contemporanee / Roma
Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici della Basilicata / Potenza
Soprintendenza ai Beni Storici, Artistici ed Etnoantropologici della Basilicata / Potenza
Fondazione Nuovi Mecenati / Roma
Castello Colonna – Centro Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea / Roma
FRAC Champagne-Ardenne / Reims
FRAC Franche-Comté / Besancon
FRAC Bourgogne / Digione
49 Nord – 6 Est FRAC Lorraine / Metz
Fondazione Gianfranco Baruchello per la ricerca artistica / Roma
Ecole d´Arts Appliques / Ginevra
Fondazione Adriano Olivetti / Roma
Fondazione Internazionale per gli Studi di Architettura / Napoli
Fondazione Fabbrica Europa per le Arti Contemporanee / Firenze
Fondazione Pistoletto Cittadellarte / Biella
Ordine degli Architetti / Matera
Università della Basilicata / Potenza – Matera
Comune di Matera
Regione Basilicata
APT Basilicata
Museo Nazionale Domenico Ridola / Matera
Ente Morale Pinacoteca – Biblioteca Camillo d’Errico / Palazzo San Gervasio
Camera dei Deputati / Roma
Senato della Repubblica / Roma
Comunità Europea / Bruxelles
Comune di Palazzo S. Gervasio
Pinacoteca d’Arte Moderna / Bernalda
Arcidiocesi di Matera-Irsina / Matera
ARPAB / Potenza
ALSIA / Matera
Biennale di Venezia / Venezia
Ministère Francaise de la Culture/Direction des Affaires Culturelles / Parigi
Association des Régions françaises du Grand Est / Nancy
AFAA – Association Française d’Action Artistique / Parigi
Provincia di Matera
Provincia di Potenza